What is the PSYCH-K® method?
2023-11-28 WHAT IS THE PSYCH-K® METHOD? According to Rob Williams, the creator of PSYCH-K®, we have forgotten our true identities as spiritual beings having a human experience and experiencing the feeling of be...
What Are Self-Destructive Beliefs?
2023-11-07 What Are Self-Destructive Beliefs?   Self-destructive Belief vs. Negative Thought Author Burns (2021) states that self-destructive belief differs from negative thinking. He defines it as "Negative...
What is "Whole Brain State" ?
2023-11-05 What is a "Whole Brain State"? Neuroscience Research According to neuroscientist Fannin, "The best state of consciousness is when the qualities and features of both brain hemispheres work simultan...