If You Could Be Anyone You Want, Who Would You Like To Be?


Author Franckh (2019) poses these questions at the beginning of his book The Law of Resonance. Who would you like to be if you could be anyone you wanted? What if there were no boundaries, no barriers? What if this was the first time anyone told you your wishes were unrealistic, excessive, ridiculous, or too ambitious? If you could be whoever you wanted, and if all the roads and doors were open, who would you want to be?

Yes, if you have answers to these questions, why don't you take action to become the person you want?

And if you have an answer to this question, why don't you be that person?

Could it be yourself that is holding you back? Or do you unconsciously have some underlying secondary gains (benefits)?

Could something be beneficial about not being the person you want in your current life?

These questions have an equivalent in the literature called "secondary gain." Secondary gain is any positive advantage accompanying physical or psychological symptoms. Most of the time, the reasons for secondary gains are deep and psychologically complex (Quoted by Schwartz, 2017).

If we detail the secondary gain with an example, Even though the person has a busy schedule and his own needs, he may constantly answer "yes" to requests and demands instead of saying "no." Because he may have the belief that he will not be loved if he says "no." Here, the gain of a person's inability to say "no" may be to meet their "need to be loved." Therefore, secondary gains may include beliefs that prevent the person from being the person they wants to be. With PSYCH-K®, you can discover and transform your secondary benefits.

Resources: https://drarielleschwartz.com/secondary-gains-and-trauma-treatment-dr-arielle-schwartz/ (12.03.2023)

Franckh (2014). DNA Field and the Law of Resonance, Inner Traditions Bear and Company.