Facilitator: Holding Space


Holding Space: Whatever a person's journey is, it means that we are willing to walk with them without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to influence the outcome. When we hold or make space for others, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgment and control.


It involves people in their development, transformation, pain, etc. To truly support them, we can't do it by taking away their power (that is, trying to solve their problems), shaming them (that is, implying that they need to know more than they do), or overwhelming them (that is, giving them more information than they are ready for). We must be prepared to step back or step in so they can make their own choices, offer them unconditional love and support, gently guide them when necessary, and make them feel safe even when they make mistakes.


  • We must allow people to trust their intuition and wisdom.
  • We should only give people as much information as they can handle.
  • We must not take away their power.
  • We must keep our ego out of the process.
  • We don't make them feel safe.
  • We must allow them to make different decisions and have different experiences than us.
  • We must guide and help with humility.


Holding Space: A wise space-holder knows when to withhold guidance (for example, when it makes the person feel inadequate) and when to offer it graciously (for example, when the person asks for it or is too lost to know what to ask). This can be described as a mindful dance that we all must do when we hold space for other people. It takes practice to recognize the areas where they feel most vulnerable and offer the right help without embarrassing them.


My intention in my PSYCH-K® Facilitator journey is to be a facilitator for others in their healing process by holding space for others and stepping out of the savior role. The difference between facilitation and rescue is sharing the tool I have, PSYCH-K®, with others. Because; PSYCH-K® is based on the philosophy that the responsibility for a person's growth in the healing process belongs to them, not me, and to give (remind) the person back their power rather than taking it away. I would like to thank my teacher, PSYCH-K® Authorized Trainer Eralp Caner, for his presence and "state of being", from whom I learned through experience what kind of "state of being" space-holding requires and how to apply it.


If you would like to experience PSYCH-K® and get more information, like the process that I experienced personally, where I was able to open myself without being judged, feel safe, and reach my essence, that is, myself, please contact me.



Source:  https://heatherplett.com/2015/03/hold-space/, Erişim tarihi: 25.04.2024.

Figure: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/fantasy-astral-wallpaper-composition_39425684.htm">Image by freepik</a>.